Los encadenamientos agro-productivos, y su contribución al desarrollo socio-económico de los agricultores del cantón Chillanes. Caso cadena de valor del maíz blanco
2019-11-22Registro en:
Moina Carrasco, Jessica Pilar; Solís Velasco, Diana Carolina. (2019). Los encadenamientos agro-productivos, y su contribución al desarrollo socio-económico de los agricultores del cantón Chillanes. Caso cadena de valor del maíz blanco. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Moina Carrasco, Jessica Pilar
Solís Velasco, Diana Carolina
The purpose of this degree work is to design a value chain for white corn, aimed at promoting the socio-economic development of farmers in the Chillanes canton. For its development, an exploratory investigation was carried out with the application of inductive and deductive methods, the application of techniques and instruments such as surveys to local producers and an interview to the Mayor of GAD Chillanes, for determining the production and forms of commercialization in the locality was carried out. The study allowed us to know the mismatches that the traditional white corn value chain has, as well as to reveal the need to administer it through a multidisciplinary team; besides, that the product is consumed in a 39% in approximate quantities of 10 - 20 kg per month, 75% of the population acquires it for being a qualified food product and due to its price ranges between $ 0.84 - 1.50 dollars/kilo, price which is accepted by consumers. It is concluded that the proposed value chain serves as a guide for economic strengthening; therefore, it is recommended to implement this for white corn and so help promote the socio-economic development of local farmers.