Restauración de las condiciones de funcionamiento óptimo del puente grúa del taller de fundición de la Facultad de Mecánica de la ESPOCH mediante técnicas de mantenimiento mejorativo
2020-08-07Registro en:
Alvarez Monta, Diego Fernando; Barahona Martínez, Jaime Eduardo. (2020). Restauración de las condiciones de funcionamiento óptimo del puente grúa del taller de fundición de la Facultad de Mecánica de la ESPOCH mediante técnicas de mantenimiento mejorativo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Alvarez Monta, Diego Fernando
Barahona Martínez, Jaime Eduardo
In the present curricular integration work a study was a carried out to the restoration of the conditions benefiting the overhead crane functioning is located in the Foundry Workshop of the Mechanical and Engineering School of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo was implemented through the application of improved maintenance techniques aimed to the structural, mechanical and electrical systems of the asset, at the same time, the design and implementation of an autonomous maintenance plan were carried out that guarantees to the conservation of all the operating parameters of the overhead crane. The methodology was carried out for the development of this curricular integration work has a sequential linear perspective, which began with a technical inspection for the identification of failures and failure modes, continued with the own technical intervention in the overhead crane to the total restoration of the operating parameters of the same. The optimal operation of the overhead crane was verified by testing the asset's longitudinal, transverse and vertical movements, with the help of human senses and technical diagnostic equipment that indicated that the operating parameters of the overhead crane are those established in a design. It is concluded the improvement maintenance techniques developed in the overhead crane were appropriate for restoring its operating parameters. It is recommended to fully practice the autonomous maintenance plan designed to guarantee the preservation in operating parameters of the overhead crane as well as its operational safety.