Aplicación de técnicas culinarias en preparaciones gastronómicas con trucha arco iris como género principal, Riobamba 2014
2016-07-28Registro en:
Sánchez Caicedo, Gonzalo Sebastian. (2016). Aplicación de técnicas culinarias en preparaciones gastronómicas con trucha arco iris como género principal, Riobamba 2014. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Sánchez Caicedo, Gonzalo Sebastian
Nowadays, the current feeding is a problem that shock all the countries of Latin America over all Ecuador, the excessive consumption of calories with minimal nutrients do not cover daily requirements. In Ecuador, farming activity has grown in the last years, thanks to the governmental policies, investigation and international support, but it has not been enough to increase the consumption of nutrients per person. The present investigation searched for technifying and increasing thee consumption ways of the rainbow trout, based on the bibliographic information, the organoleptic characteristic of the rainbow trout were determined and these were applied to the culinary science, for standardizing a process that has not been taken into account in the last years, orienting them in the Good Living National Plan 2013 – 2017, the acquired knowledge during the professional formation were used, to ease the production process of the people, who work in this environment, being supported with the acceptance test with a group of professionals that bring support for the correct application of the technification of the rainbow trout. Presenting as final proposal a technical recipe book, in which the client will get information and learn about to how modernize his/ her kitchen with the rainbow trout and other fish of the same type, and it’s application to easy and quick recipes.