Determinación de los efectos de seis plaguicidas de amplio espectro sobre cuatro microorganismos benéficos con potencial para la recuperación de suelos agrícolas a nivel de laboratorio.
2018-02Registro en:
Ríos Cáceres, Andrea Paola. (2018). Determinación de los efectos de seis plaguicidas de amplio espectro sobre cuatro microorganismos benéficos con potencial para la recuperación de suelos agrícolas a nivel de laboratorio. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Ríos Cáceres, Andrea Paola
The objective was to determine the type of impact that six types of pesticides have on four
beneficial microorganisms, generally used in agriculture. The research was carried out in the
Biological Sciences Laboratories of the Faculty of Natural Resources of Escuela Superior
Politécnica de Chimborazo by using 4 species of fungi (Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium
anisopliae, Pleurotos ostreatus and Thichoderma harzianum), 1 growing medium of Potato
Dextrose Agar (PDA), 1 concentration (single dose) and 3 repetitions (R1
, R1
, R3
) giving a total
of 84 experimental units. It was compared its development and growth expressed in colony
diameters (cm) made in 84 petri dishes with the use of six different types of pesticides, reaching
a greater growth of fungal species with the use of the pesticide Acephate. As results obtained of
the growth and development of the four species of fungi with the use of different types of
pesticides, it was obtained that for Acephate, the microbial growth was optimal; for Bright,
Curacron, Glyphosate and Ridomil, the microbial growth was medium; and with the use of
Vitavax the growth of the different species of fungi was minimal except for the species
Trichoderma harzianum. The process developed to apply the six types of pesticides in beneficial
fungi shows an adequate growth of the different beneficial microorganisms. For this reason the
six types of pesticides are effective in the development and growth of each microorganism in
direct relation with time, generating in the individual who practices agriculture as a way of life, a
social, economic and environmental benefit. Concluding that Thichoderma harzianum is the
microorganism with the most optimal characteristics to the management and development for a
quality agriculture. For future research, it is recommended to use pesticides at different doses to
know their different efficiency and effectiveness.