Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de una crepería, utilizando harinas saborizadas, en la ciudad de Santo Domingo, provincia de Santo Domingo de los tsáchilas, 2018
2019-07-10Registro en:
Chela Coyago, Diana Carolina. (2019). Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de una crepería, utilizando harinas saborizadas, en la ciudad de Santo Domingo, provincia de Santo Domingo de los tsáchilas, 2018. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Chela Coyago, Diana Carolina
The present titration work was guided in the realization of a Feasibility Study for the creation of
a creperie "Santo Crepé", using flaked flours in the city of Santo Domingo, province of Santo
Domingo de los Tsáchilas. An investigation of type was applied; descriptive, field and
bibliographic, which allowed to obtain real information to be able to determine the current
situation of the market and the potential clients of the establishment. Compiled the data when
applying the surveys on the creation of a creperie using flavoured flour, an unsatisfied demand of
92% was obtained as a result, being positive for this undertaking to be launched; in the technical
study, the size and location of the company, the standardization of the recipes, internal regulations
and the design of the letter were determined; the administrative study allowed to realize the
manual of functions, it shows the jobs, the professional profile of each employee; in the legal
study proceeded to investigate the respective regulations and laws governing the opening and
proper functioning of the premises , which are protected by the law of the craftsman; the
environmental study allowed to know the impact on the environment and the methods that will
be applied to mitigate it; finally, the financial study revealed the investment that is required being
$ 12,618.90, the NPV is $ 37,889.57, the IRR of 60.15% and C B/R of $ 1.96 when obtaining
these results, it is concluded that the project is viable due to its level of profitability. The
importance of this project lies in the new gastronomic and nutritional offer within the city of Santo
Domingo de los Colorados which will generate sources of employment.