Diseño de un centro ecoturístico recreacional en las cavernas El Tocglo, parroquia de Puerto cantón Tena, provincia de Napo
2018Registro en:
Andy Mamallacta, A. F. (2018). Diseño de un centro ecoturístico recreacional en las cavernas El Tocglo, parroquia de Puerto cantón Tena, provincia de Napo. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Ecoturismo). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo.
Andy Mamallacta, Andrés Fernando
This investigation proposes: to carry out a technical study for the implementation of a Recreational Ecotourism Center in Tena canton, Napo province; bibliographic and field research techniques were used. The objective demand was established where 12% of the unsatisfied demand was used; percentage that was established according to a reasonable estimate of potential visitors. Consecutively the current offer was analyzed and the tourist attractions of the area were identified that can be visited by visitors, enjoying the landscapes and natural resources of the place. In the canton, national tourists from Quito and Ambato and foreign tourists from the United States who most frequently visited this place were established as potential clients, having widely accepted by the sectors analyzed for the creation of the project. In the technical study, the philosophical and strategic planning of the company was established. The marketing study and the environmental impact study were prepared applying the Lázaro Lagos matrix. The organizational part of the company was structured with its manual of functions and regulations. In the legal part, the project was supported in the Ecuadorian laws related to the tourist sector. In the economic study, a total investment of $ 294.706,54 was determined. Costs and revenues, amortization, income statement and cash flow were calculated. For the financial evaluation, the NPV was calculated: $ 98417,55. The B/C relation: $ 1,72 and the IRR: 18% with a recovery period of the third year. It is concluded that the project is feasible generating social, economic and environmental benefits.