Comprobación de las propiedades mecánicas de las pastillas de freno tipo cerámicas y elaboración de las probetas de ensayo para verificar el comportamiento de los materiales
2021-09-13Registro en:
Yunga Toaquiza, Edwin Paúl; Ocampo Visuma, Robinson Stalin. (2021). Comprobación de las propiedades mecánicas de las pastillas de freno tipo cerámicas y elaboración de las probetas de ensayo para verificar el comportamiento de los materiales. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Yunga Toaquiza, Edwin Paúl
Ocampo Visuma, Robinson Stalin
This degree work aimed to elaborate and compare the mechanical properties using a tribological analysis between the manufactured ceramic brake pad specimens and the Raybestos ceramic specimens, based on the industry technical standard PFC Brakes that Mention the number of materials needed to create this type of test tube. Through the application of tests such as ASTM E- 23 Charpy Pendulum, ASTM E-10 standard test Method for Brinell hardness, ASTM G-65 dry sand wear test, and ASTM G-99 Pin on disk test. They allow determining the respective properties of each specimen. For which was elaborated four specimens for each type of test with different geometric characteristics and according to the provisions of each standard, the considerations established for the tests tribological, destructive, and non-destructive were: established procedure, required load, time, speed, and temperature as established by each standard. To understand the obtained results; these values are presented in tables allowing the creation of a statistical model T-Student. Which shows the existence or not of variation of the properties of the test tubes of elaborated brake pads and Raybestos brake pad test specimens. The graphics comparisons between these two types of specimens allow projecting the wear, friction coefficient, and hardness present in each type of test piece. It is concluded that the specimens made in the test of the coefficient of friction ASTM G-99, resembling the characteristics presented by the Raybestos test tubes. It is recommended to correct the quantities of the insoluble materials used in the elaboration of the ceramic specimens to use other insoluble materials or percentages that allow better results and therefore superior characteristics to those presented in the ceramic specimens made.