Diseño e implementación de una red de comunicaciones integrada al proceso de montaje de manómetros para el laboratorio de automatización de la FIE-ESPOCH.
2017-11Registro en:
Toledo Fuentes, Wendy Margarita; Narváez Contero, Carina Valeria. (2017). Diseño e implementación de una red de comunicaciones integrada al proceso de montaje de manómetros para el laboratorio de automatización de la FIE-ESPOCH. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Toledo Fuentes, Wendy Margarita
Narváez Contero, Carina Valeria
The purpose of the current graduation work was to design and implement an integrated communication network to the manometer installation process for the Automation Laboratory in the Informatics and Electronics Faculty (FIE-ESPOCH), this network allows replacing the centralized control systems by distributed control networks, which have particular characteristics to face the intercommunication needs in real time and transmit data. The design of the network was based on the fieldbus topology that uses a channel to which different devices making up the network were connected. In addition, Lookout was used for the graphic interface of the 7 modules (distribution, turning, process, pick & place, pressure, separation and classification) together with ModBus ETHERNET and KepServerEX communication protocol for the Open Communication Platform (OPC). The documentary review on communication networks was carried out, and the extreme programming methodology was used to plan, design, implement and carry out the necessary tests. The systematization including GEDIS, ISO 101 Guide with the National Instruments organization for designing the human-machine interface (HMI) was also carried out as well as the analysis to evaluate the communication data obtained in real time. The 0 level (process) consists of different sensors, level 1 contains programmable logic controllers (PLC´s), finally level 2 (supervision) where HMI works for visualizing the process and interacting with the user. It is concluded that the network implemented, has its communication levels based on the computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) so the process control can be more stable and comfortable. Before designing any network, it is recommended to analyze the requirements, topology, approach it will have and specially the communication protocol to avoid connection problems.