Generación de un sistema de control y monitoreo para un brazo robótico prototipo basado en la internet de las cosas y la integración de LabVIEW y SolidWorks
2020-08-05Registro en:
Asqui Ramirez, Byron Ivan. (2020). Generación de un sistema de control y monitoreo para un brazo robótico prototipo basado en la internet de las cosas y la integración de LabVIEW y SolidWorks. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Asqui Ramirez, Byron Ivan
The proposal was oriented to the integration of the IOT technology with the Softwares: LabVIEW and SolidWorks to generate a control and monitoring system for a robotic arm. A 6-degree-of-freedom arm model was taken as a reference from the Thingiverse library, to which modifications were applied and validated through static analysis with SolidWorks software before machining with 3D printing technology. As the main hardware element, a Raspberry Pi3 was used as a connection point with the IOT Remote platform to generate remote access to the equipment, as local Python support where algorithms were developed to manage the control signals to the prototype actuators and the generation of a high-level graphical interface for interaction with the user. For the induction of movement to the robotic device, MG996R servo motors of 11 kgfxcm and a MG90S microservo 2.2 kgfxcm in torque were used, in conjunction with the PCA9685 power interface. Through the enabling of the SOFT-MOTION module, it was possible to link LabVIEW and SolidWorks, platforms used for the virtual monitoring of the robotic arm. Besides, LabVIEW was used as a receiver and transmitter of information from the IOT platform and as a source of information for the SolidWorks simulation environment. Through functionality tests, it was established that the angles emitted by the graphic interface have a margin of error of 1 to 2 degrees, the current consumption of the system was approximately one ampere, in the static analysis it was determined that the material used in the arm construction a deformation of 0.00013 - 0.020 imperceptible at a force of 100N. It is recommended not to make sudden movements or overload the arm, which could cause failure or blockage of the actuators.