Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de bloque de motor mono cilíndrico de 150 C.C por métodos CAD/CAM.
2020-01-29Registro en:
Ramos Centeno, Jhon Jairo. (2020). Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de bloque de motor mono cilíndrico de 150 C.C por métodos CAD/CAM. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Ramos Centeno, Jhon Jairo
In this titling work the objective was set to carry out the design and construction of a prototype of a block of a lawn mower engine, for this purpose the design was carried out applying the reverse Engineering method to obtain the geometric data of an initial model, with these parameters we proceed to develop the modeling in the SOLIDWORKS CAD type software. With the design made in the CAD software, the SIEMENS 11 NX CAD/CAM software was exported for the simulation and manufacturing process. After these steps the ISO code was generated for the construction of the prototype in the three-axis CNC milling machine, for the machining; tools were selected based on their composition and the same and the work piece to be machined. In the three-axis CNC milling machine with Fanuc controller, the prototype was obtained in a machining time of twenty working hours with an aluminum-copper alloy material and a final weight of 2.80 lb. It was concluded that using CAM strategies and optimizing the post processes, a manufacturing time generated by the CAM software of 456.32 is obtained compared to the real time that lasted 1200 minutes, as a result there is an increase of 62% to the ideal time, for that it was determined that the construction of the prototype takes longer than what was anticipated in the simulation of the SIEMENS NX 11 software, the prototype is viable for construction using CNC methods. For this work to have a greater scope, it is recommended to have a minimum margin of error in the calibration and adjustment of the tools at the time of machining of the different faces to prevent a bad surface finish.