Propuesta de una ciclovia en el cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo
2019-07-15Registro en:
Barahona Chavarrea, Paul Eduardo. (2019). Propuesta de una ciclovia en el cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Barahona Chavarrea, Paul Eduardo
The present work called Proposal of a bike path in Guano canton, Chimborazo province. In
order to safeguard the safety of cyclists on the tracks, and those who intend to use the bicycle.
The research was carried out through research instruments such as surveys carried out on a
specific group of cyclists, interviews directed to the persons responsible for the Mobility
Management, Transit, and Transportation of GADM Guano and observation sheets for the
gathering of information on the urban roads of the canton. The information obtained in the field
allowed knowing the need to implement a bicycle in the urban area of Guano. Among the data
obtained, it is highlighted that 2.4% of the population use bicycles, 81% mentioned that the
existing road infrastructure is inadequate for mobilizing by bicycle, 93% agree with the
implementation of a bike path, and 39% of the population so it intends to use the bicycle as a
sustainable mode of transport to carry out their daily activities if there were adequate conditions
to do so. On the other hand, the entity responsible for regulation and control recognizes that no
studies have been carried out for non-motorized transport, but shows interest in the project and
considers having sufficient economy and administrative capacity for the implementation of a
cycle route. Thus, it proposes a cycle path of 11.50 km in length (5.72 km one way and 5.78 km
in length) that runs longitudinally through the Guano Canton urban area. It is recommended that
the authorities take into account compliance in terms of transportation planning and regulation,
and consider this proposal as a reliable document for the implementation of a bike path in the
Guano canton.