Diseño y propuesta de un código de ética para el Patronato de Amparo Social del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del Cantón Pastaza, 2014.
2015Registro en:
Naranjo Carrera, Alexandra Janeth. (2015). Diseño y propuesta de un código de ética para el Patronato de Amparo Social del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del Cantón Pastaza, 2014. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Puyo.
Naranjo Carrera, Alexandra Janeth
The Social Protection Patronage is a non-profit organization which is an entity appointed by the Decentralized Autonomous Municipal Government of Pastaza Canton (DAMG Pastaza), created to manage and seek social assistance to the vulnerable groups of the canton, complemented by social policies of the sectional government. The Comptroller General of the State by Order No. 039 CG, published in Official Register Supplement No. 87, issued the “Internal Control Standards for entities, Public Sector bodies and legal persons governed by private law that have public resources." Also, the numeral 200-01 of that law, talks about the integrity and ethical values and determines that: "The highest authority and managers establish ethical principles and values as part of the organizational culture to endure against changes of free removal people; these values govern the conduct of the staff, focusing on their integrity and commitment to the organization.” With these backgrounds, the absence of an instrument which determines the standards to follow and these are part of the institutional culture, this research work is performed in which an external and internal analysis is made, whose purpose is the implementation of standards of conduct and the existence of human behavior created in a code of ethics. This research work is aimed to the staff of The Social Protection Patronage of the Decentralized Autonomous Municipal Government of Pastaza Canton, whose contents will be applied during daily activities, creating corporate involvement.