Análisis a los estados financieros de la estación de servicios ESPOCH–Gasolinera Politécnica EP, cantón Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, periodo 2019
2021-03-30Registro en:
Yaucan Caco, Patricia Elizabeth. (2021). Análisis a los estados financieros de la estación de servicios ESPOCH–Gasolinera Politécnica EP, cantón Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, periodo 2019. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Yaucan Caco, Patricia Elizabeth
The present study about the Analysis of the Financial Statements at the Espoch Service Station Gas Station Politécnica E.P., Riobamba canton, province of Chimborazo, period 2017-2019, was carried out in order to analyze the accounting information of the company and based on the results, it will serve as an instrument for decision-making. For its develpment methodological tools were used, such as a direct observation visiting the service station along with its operations, as well as interviews directed to the manager and the accountant of the ESPOCH service station, with which it was determined that liquidity was not optimal due to the lower coverage of assets against its short-term obligations, low profitability due to the increase in operational and financial burden and, most importantly, the excessive debt of the company from previous administrations. Therefore the proposal consists in the first stage about the compilation of information from the financial análisis that goes from the general to the specific, in order to understand the current situation of the company, thus determining the different problems faced by the company and verifying the veracity of the information provided, in addition to presenting the formulas applied to know the financial and economic situation of the company. For this reason, it is recommended to implement the present financial análisis along with the application of different indicators to reduce debt and significantly improve the level of solvency, efficiency, performance of the operations and management of the company, thus promoting sustainable growth in the near future.