Evaluación de parámetros de QoS en la transmisión de voz, video y datos de una red FTTH utilizando el estándar G.984.X.
2019-05Registro en:
Yungán Pasto, Sara Alexandra. (2019). Evaluación de parámetros de QoS en la transmisión de voz, video y datos de una red FTTH utilizando el estándar G.984.X. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Yungán Pasto, Sara Alexandra
In the present project, a network was designed using optical fiber as a transmission medium with the objective of evaluating the quality of service parameters in transmission and data using the G.984.X standard. in the parish of Yaruquies. Firstly, the analysis of the demand for Triple Play services was carried out, resulting in the feasibility of this service, since 80% of the respondents answered that they do not have Telephony services. Internet and Television through a single provider and a means of transmission, also mentioned the problems presented by the current network, such as the speed and availability of the Internet, so they said they will agree to hire a new service that covers all three usual services and offering quality of service according to the amount of money to be paid. For this reason the access network was designed using AutoCAD software, establishing parameters such as transmission power, wavelength, attenuation of passive elements among others that are established in the G.984.X norm. After the attenuation and optical balance was carried out in order to validate the design of the fiber network to the home (FTTH), the simulation was carried out with the OptiSystem 15.0 software to corroborate the theoretical calculations carried out previously, for all the critical points In addition, several parameters were analyzed, such as the eye diagram, which shows the quality of the link, the Q Factor and the bit error rate (BER). The project investment is also found. To conclude, it is determined that the project is viable and feasible so that data, voice and video convergence can be offered in the Yaruquies zone, Cantón Riobamba