Identificación y descripción de caracteristicas anatómicas y organolépticas de la madera de cinco especies comerciales procedentes del cantón Tena, provincia de Napo.
2019Registro en:
Inchiglema Aucancela, J. M. (2019). Identificación y descripción de caracteristicas anatómicas y organolépticas de la madera de cinco especies comerciales procedentes del cantón Tena, provincia de Napo. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Forestal). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Inchiglema Aucancela, Jessica Margarita
The present research proposes: To identify and describe the anatomical and organoleptic characteristics of the five commercial Wood types from Tena Canton, Napo Province: where five dendrological samples were gathered, know by their cpmmon names such as Laurel, Intachi, Cedrillo Canelo and Mascarey. The were identified in the Herbarium of the ESPOCH, where 4 species were recognized as: Cordia alliodora, Chimarrhis glabriflora, Ruagea glabra and Nectandra laurel; while the last of the species was identified in the herbarium of the Quito Catholic University being Hyeronima alchornoides plant. Ford the description of the macroscopic characterteristics, were obained wood specimens of 2*10*15 cm which were used for the determination of characteristics such as sapwood and heartwood color, textura, veinig, grain, flavor, smell; for the microscopic characteristc, were obtained cubes of 2*2*2 that were used Ford the dessity determination and later were softened in the chemical machine at a pressure of 11.61 atm and 121 °C inside glass containers that are sealed whith paper aluminum during 1 cycle for soft woods and 3 cycles for hardwoods, then 0.3 micron cuts were made in a rotary microtome of the cubes identifying the tangential. Transversal and radial planes, those samples were placed in Petri boxes where they were hydrated whit sterilized distilled wáter, then immersed in the dyes biological coloring at 1% brigth grenn 0.5% and blue at 1% for a time of 30 s, in turn was determined which is the best dye to observe the microscopic characteristics for each species of wood, immediately was proceded to measure and account for the perimeter of the pores of each species was also identified the pore shape, the parenchyma ans structures of species.