Diseño del departamento de talento humano para la unidad educativa Leontiev Vigotsky, de la ciudad de Riobamba
2021-06-21Registro en:
Villacrés Jiménez, Andrea Carolina. (2021). Diseño del departamento de talento humano para la unidad educativa Leontiev Vigotsky, de la ciudad de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Villacrés Jiménez, Andrea Carolina
The present research work called Design of the Human Talent Department for the “Unidad Educativa Leontiev Vigotsky”, from Riobamba city, it aims to solve the problems identified in the institution in personnel management through the design of the human talent department. Regarding the methods applied, they were inductive, deductive, analytical and synthetic, the techniques and instruments that were applied of all the personnel of the educational unit, interview with the authorities of the same and direct observation, which helped to collect truthful information for the elaboration of the proposal. Through the surveys, it was possible to determine that, despite the existence of a low turnover rate, the personnel are unaware of the processes they must follow, for this reason, they feel confused regarding the evaluation of their performance, the line of command and the processes that they must follow. correspond to the area of human talent, due to the information is not documented. The proposal is based on the elaboration of the history manual, describing manual the positions and functions of the members of the department, procedures manual; which includes selection of personnel and induction of personnel, the organizational structure, the objective structural organization chart, mission and vision of the department as well as the budget for its implementation. In conclusion, the development of the design of the human talent department will contribute to the correct management of personnel, allowing optimization of processes avoiding duplication of functions and directing the institution to constant development. Finally, it was suggested that the authorities consider the cost benefit of the implementation of the department versus the inadequate management of the personnel and the economic repercussion that this implies for the educational unit.