Estudio de necesidades del transporte público urbano – intracantonal del cantón Morona, provincia de Morona Santiago
2018-08-17Registro en:
Naranjo Freire, Erika Alexandra. (2018). Estudio de necesidades del transporte público urbano – intracantonal del cantón Morona, provincia de Morona Santiago. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Naranjo Freire, Erika Alexandra
The aim of this research project was to carry out a needs analysis on the Urban Intra-canton Public transport System in Morona Canton, Morona Santiago Province. The study was carried out based on the information that users and transport providers shared through surveys and interviews, for which the reference Methodology was taken for the assignment of quotas to Public and Commercial Land Transportation operators issued by the National Transit Agency 108-DIIR-216-ANT and its corresponding annexes, which as a regulatory entity has been developed with the Decentralized Autonomous Governments. Based on the analysis of supply and demand, public transport is fundamental to mobility, meaning that an analysis of frequencies and routes is of vital importance. After analyzing the data from the collected results, the restructuring of line frequency and routes is necessary, along with an increase in quotas for the existing operators. The results obtained support new urban public transport routes for users, demonstrating the importance of strengthening the relationship between the user and transport provider. Due to problems associated with routes and frequency, inhabitants must travel in private vehicles and pay high sums of money to be able to leave their communities.