Empleo de lixiviados para compostar los residuos sólidos orgánicos domiciliarios de la ciudad de Sucúa, mediante las técnicas de takakura y de vermicompostaje.
2018-03Registro en:
Cabrera López, Wilson Ariel. (2018). Empleo de lixiviados para compostar los residuos sólidos orgánicos domiciliarios de la ciudad de Sucúa, mediante las técnicas de takakura y de vermicompostaje. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Macas.
Cabrera López, Wilson Ariel
The main objective was to find leachates to check the organic solid residues of the city of Sucúa, using the techniques of Takakura and Vermicomposting for its possible use in agriculture. For this investigation ten beds were assembled, all containing 100 kg of organic waste. The treatments corresponding to the Takakura method consisted of: sawdust (11.06 kg) and Takakura seed (20 kg), while the Vermicomposting treatments only contained organic residues. The leachates used were collected from the drainage of the Vermiculture plant. The elaboration of the compost was carried out in trench structures, during the process a daily temperature, pH and humidity control was carried out, besides, after each flip, a representative sample of each treatment was taken to analyze the evolution of the composting process. The evolution of the temperatures of the beds was adequate, at the beginning the mesophilic phase was presented, to then start the thermophilic phase reaching temperatures higher than 55 ° C, which were controlled with manual turning. Once the process was completed, the quality of the fertilizer was verified by the physical-chemical, chemical and chemical analysis, as well as biological, which were found within the ranges established by regulations such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Commission. According to the statistical analysis, the best treatment was TKL3, presenting a percentage of germination index of 71% indicative of absence of phytotoxicity, the C / N ratio equivalent to 14.3 and electrical conductivity of 2.35 mS / cm which demonstrated the quality of the final product. Vermicomposting and obtain a concentration of biomass. It is recommended to use the Takakura method with a 375 ml leachate addition for a correct treatment of organic waste.