Gestión preventiva de riesgos ergonómicos aplicando NIOSH y GINSHT en el subproceso de desechos sólidos de la Dirección de Gestión Ambiental, Salubridad e Higiene del GADM Riobamba
2022-02-14Registro en:
Viracocha Sánchez, Ítalo Armando; González Escobar, Juan Gabriel. (2022). Gestión preventiva de riesgos ergonómicos aplicando NIOSH y GINSHT en el subproceso de desechos sólidos de la Dirección de Gestión Ambiental, Salubridad e Higiene del GADM Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Viracocha Sánchez, Ítalo Armando
González Escobar, Juan Gabriel
The objective of this study was to elaborate the ergonomic risk management in the
workplaces of the Solid Waste Subprocess of the Environmental Management, Health and
Hygiene Directorate of GADM Riobamba, for which an analysis was made from the
application of NIOSH and GINSHT methodologies that allowed determining the level of risk
of lifting loads that occurs in the activities carried out by the 25 garbage collectors,
identifying that this activity causes a moderate risk. On the other hand, the REBA
methodology was applied to evaluate the ergonomic risks in work personnel, classified in:
ergonomic risks in 33 street sweepers and 35 drivers of this institution. Once these
methodologies have been applied, it is concluded that corrections and improvements must be
made in the execution of the activities, which is why various alternatives were proposed, such
as a manual alternative, a procedures manual for the correct lifting of loads, correct sweeping
with good posture and taking active breaks at the workstations and training on the use of the
procedure´s manual. It is recommended that organizations implement different procedures
based on compliance with personnel training plans to reduce and mitigate musculoskeletal
injuries and inconvenience that may cause changes in the health of their workers.