Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un centro de acopio de muebles de madera del Centro Artesanal Huambalo “CENARHU”, para mejorar la distribución nacional ubicado en la parroquia Huambalo, cantón Pelileo, provincia Tungurahua, periodo 2015
2015Registro en:
Rosero Cunalata, Maritza Graciela. (2015). Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un centro de acopio de muebles de madera del Centro Artesanal Huambalo “Cenarhu”, para mejorar la distribución nacional. ubicado en la parroquia Huambalo, cantón Pelileo, provincia Tungurahua, periodo 2015. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Rosero Cunalata, Maritza Graciela
This paper aims to perform a “Feasibility Study related to the creation of a wooden furniture collection center for the Artisan Center Huambaló “CENARHU”, located in the parish Huambaló, Canton Pelileo, Tungurahua province, period 2015” to improve National distribution of its products. For project development descriptive research method was used, which allows to know in detail relevant data on the subject, such as: current situation, needs, etc., as well as the support of the entire population with the acceptance for project execution. The tools used were: surveys, magazines, internet, etc. Huambaló parish was determined as a strategic site for the collection center since 80% of the population is dedicated to the craft, so there is great production of wooden furniture. Besides a financial study was developed through which a financial evaluation of the project in wich an investment is proposed in order to justify the implementation of the project ensuring its feasibility. Likewise a project evaluation was performed using the financial indicators TIR, VAN, RB/C, capital recovery period of 3 years and 8 months, which yielded positive results, so it is recommended to run the project.