Bocashi más humus líquido en una mezcla forrajera de Lolium multiflorum, Trifolium pratense y Trifolium repens
2018-09-11Registro en:
Vera Mena, Alvao Marcelo. (2018). Bocashi más humus líquido en una mezcla forrajera de Lolium multiflorum, Trifolium pratense y Trifolium repens. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Zootecnista). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Vera Mena, Alvaro Marcelo
The present research was carried out to determine the optimal treatment when applying a fodder mixture of Lolium multiflorum, Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens, under the effect of different levels of Bocashi plus a standard base of liquid humus, the same will be carried out in the canton Píllaro sector from Guanguibana; having a duration of 130 days. For the study of the variables a completely randomized block design was applied in combinatorial arrangement AxB (DBCA), consisting of 4 treatments of bocashi (0, 2, 4 and 6 Tn / ha) plus a standard base of liquid humus (200 l / ha), with three repetitions. The parameters evaluated were basal and aerial coverage, production of green fodder, dry matter and protein, botanical composition, bromatological analysis, initial and final soil analysis, benefit-cost analysis. The registered results in the two evaluated sections showed highly significant statistical differences (P˂0, 01), for green fodder production (24,03 and 26,84Tn / ha / cut), dry matter production (8,22 and 9.43 Tn / ha / cut), but with a lower protein content (0.63 and 1.39 Tn / ha), this behaviour being efficient with fertilization at 15 days. A profitability can be obtained in the first cut with 1.84 of profit/cost and the second cut with the economic profitability of 2.02 respectively, which allows promoting the application of the symbiosis in the grasslands. So it is recommended to use in the fodder mixture 6 Tn / ha of Bocashi + 200 / ha Humus liquid.
Keywords: Humus, Bocashi, Fodder mixture, Times of application, benefit, cost.