Propuesta técnica para la implementación de una carta con preparaciones tradicionales en la Estación Ferroviaria Sibambe 2014
2016-01-18Registro en:
Soto Maroto, Faviola Jakeline. (2016). Propuesta técnica para la implementación de una carta con preparaciones tradicionales en la Estación Ferroviaria Sibambe 2014. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Soto Maroto, Faviola Jakeline
This project was developed at the Sibambe railway station with the purpose of modifying techniques for the implementation of a new menu with traditional preparations showing local cuisine as a cultural identity which is an open door for tourists to appreciate food as one of the best in the world. The feasibility of the project was supported through the data collected in the place where the study was conducted with a universe of 469, rolling 60% foreigners and 40% nationals, in the following technical proposal the previous letter was modified adding more than 20 products traditional dishes such as entrees (soups, pork leg ceviche, sweet corn crepes, yanushca, roasted potatoes, chili pepper), main dishes, (baking, guinea pig with peanut sauce, dried goat, roasted rabbit with potatoes), salads , (Russian, vegetables, cucumber, cabbage with carrots, beets, tomatoes, caesar, chicken, caprese with avocado, tropical, shrimp, sweet and sour, fondue, German potato), drinks (barley chicha, purple shampoos, cinnamon, hot chocolate) , desserts (sweet morocho, chucula, fig with cheese, paila ice cream, sweet squash arepas, jucho with mini empanada). At the request of tourists visiting the Sibambe Railway Station they suggest both entrances and main courses 14%, the biggest choice was salads with 21% being the highest option in the investigation since they are more appetizing, easy to obtain the product for the area in which the railway station is located, the other requirements were desserts with 18%, non-alcoholic drinks 15% and other foods as wrapped with 17%. The purpose of this investigation is to satisfy the The palate of the tourist with traditional products of the area, taking advantage of the fact that Alausí is an agricultural and livestock canton par excellence.