Diseño de una columna de adsorción para la remoción de Cromo mediante Carbón Activado derivada de semillas de Datura Stranomium
2021-08-23Registro en:
Espinoza Barrionuevo, Jhoe Alexander. (2021). Diseño de una columna de adsorción para la remoción de Cromo mediante Carbón Activado derivada de semillas de Datura Stranomium. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Espinoza Barrionuevo, Jhoe Alexander
The objective of this work was to design an activated carbon adsorption column from datura stranomium seeds for the removal of chromium solutions. The study began with the selection and preparation of the seeds, after carbonization at 400 ° C for 1 hour in an inert atmosphere by means of a thermal reactor with a flow of nitrogen gas, and finally their subsequent activation by using H3PO4 as impregnating agent. The activated charcoal obtained from the seeds of datura stranomium was subjected to tests based on the established requirements. In addition, adsorption tests were carried out in which 9 tests were carried out, carrying out the study of the effects of the independent variables: pH (3, 4 and 5), activated carbon dose and contact time, on the dependent variable: adsorption capacity (mg Cr / g activated carbon). The design of the equipment was made based on two columns of fixed beds of activated carbon obtaining the respective adsorption isotherms for the removal of chromium, adjusting the results based on the mathematical models for equilibrium, inferring that the model that best fits the experimental data is the Langmuir isotherm with a correlation coefficient R2 of 0.9807, in addition, the system was evaluated based on a rupture curve showing that at 120 minutes of operation the test reaches 0.998 of the initial concentration. Finally, the work determined that the adsorption of chromium with activated carbon from the datura seeds was 0.64 mg Cr / g, which is low compared to commercial activated carbons.