Estudio de la situación actual del aereopuerto de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, para su reestructuración
2019-10-17Registro en:
González Yuquilla, María José; Guashpa Cajo, Leonor Elizabeth. (2019). Estudio de la situación actual del aereopuerto de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, para su reestructuración. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
González Yuquilla, María José
Guashpa Cajo, Leonor Elizabeth
The purpose of this titling work is to present the proposed restructuring of the airport in the city of Riobamba, for a quality air operation, the same one that is addressed to the competent authorities and municipality of Riobamba, to improve the economic development of the city. meeting the needs of a safe, fast and efficient mobility to the population. The investigation began by collecting all the information provided by the officials of the Riobamba Airport, for subsequent analysis of the current situation, through the application of observation sheets, making known all its shortcomings and changes that must be implemented in the different facilities and air infrastructure. Once the inspection was carried out, it was compared with the requirements established in the regulations governing air transport, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization, Annex 14, Aerodromes), finding several maintenance problems. Infrastructure, technology, and security. The Proposal gives solutions to each of the areas of both the earth's side and the airside, make certain changes in infrastructure, maintenance, and implementation of signage, state-of-the-art technology, security services, aircraft service, firefighting services, among others. It is recommended to the competent authorities and officials of the Airport, to approve and implement the proposal in order to provide an adequate air transport system to the inhabitants of the province of Chimborazo and facilitate the country's air connectivity due to the strategic location of the airport of Riobamba, located in the centre of the country.