Plan estratégico institucional de la coordinación de equidad, formación y acción social, CEFAS-PGAPMS, del GAD provincial de Morona Santiago, 2016 – 2019.
2017-04-04Registro en:
León Tenecota, Nelson Rolando. (2017). Plan estratégico institucional de la coordinación de equidad, formación y acción social, CEFAS-PGAPMS, del GAD provincial de Morona Santiago, 2016 – 2019. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Macas.
León Tenecota, Nelson Rolando
This research is intended to draw up The Strategic Plan of The Morona Santiago Autonomous Decentralized Government as a technical and functional tool to boost Equity, Training and Social Action to become the core of guidelines for the efficient and effective development. In this aim, the Analysis of the institution Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) were carried out on the basis of National Legislation specifically of the Organic Code of Territorial Organization the and the Public Finances Legislation, which consists typically of general legal frameworks. Thus, the current socio-political, administrative and financial situation was assessed as well as the background for making The Strategic Plan up of this study proposal determining the intervention strategic competences for taking positive decisions that have been plotted on a matrix made for implementing them throughout the intervention on the administrative, social, communitarian, integral health, and training management. Finally, the study conclusions and recommendations were arisen from the core assessment in regarding the issues of the Strategic Plan guidelines in order to improve the target institutional management quality.