Plan estratégico de marketing turístico para la ciudad de Esmeraldas provincia de Esmeraldas
2019-02-28Registration in:
Cortez Valencia, Eduardo Luis. (2019). Plan estratégico de marketing turístico para la ciudad de Esmeraldas provincia de Esmeraldas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Cortez Valencia, Eduardo Luis
This research project focuses on a strategic plan development for tourism marketing which allows activating and disseminating the tourism in Esmeralda’s canton. The approach of the communicational strategies allow to inform clearly, in such a way that the information reaches the real and potential customer, convincing them of visiting Esmeraldas, also offering them all their tourist attractions and natural charms. The methodology was based on the collection of information through the application of surveys to visitors in Esmeraldas, thought the development of the FODA matrix. The current situation of Esmeraldas in evident, since there is no strategic plan that markets the city as it should. The autonomous decentralized municipal government of Esmeraldas does not do much management so that the development of tourist activity in the canton is recognized. The strategic plan that is going to be presented has marketing mix strategies and communication media such as TV, website, Facebook, a promotional video, brochures, training program and sale offers. The aim is to inform and remember Esmeraldas for its natural wealth and warm people. These make an outstanding difference among the competition. It is established that the lack of a strategic tourist marketing plan limits the increase of visitors and the economy of the area in Esmeraldas, so its application is recommended immediately.