Diseño de un Modelo de Gestión para el fortalecimiento organizativo de la Caja Solidaria de Ahorro y Crédito El Progreso de la comunidad Mercedes Cadena, parroquia La Matriz, cantón Guamote, provincia de Chimborazo
2015Registro en:
Gavilanes Caisaguano, Sandra Elizabeth. (2015). Diseño de un Modelo de Gestión para el fortalecimiento organizativo de la Caja Solidaria de Ahorro y Crédito El Progreso de la comunidad Mercedes Cadena, parroquia La Matriz, cantón Guamote, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Gavilanes Caisaguano, Sandra Elizabeth
The popular and solidary economy has been characterized to develop in human beings, new ways of associativeness and development of processes such as: Production, Goods, and Services, especially in the urban and rural sectors more in need of our country. In the last years, the functioning of the solidary funds is an alternative of acquisition of micro-credits that allow developing small projects, micro-entrepreneurships permitting to streamline the individual, familiar and communitarian economy through the attitude of solidary.
The present investigation has as aim to design a Model of Management for the strengthening organizational of the Solidary Fund of Credit Union “El Progreso”, from the community Mercedes Cadena, District: La Matriz, in the Canton Guamote, Province of Chimborazo. For the diagnosis, techniques were used such as: the survey and the inquiry, which permitted to determine the current situation of the organization. The Management Model is the success of an organization since it could lead the planned and responsible manner, and have a proper identity in which the shareholders are committed to reach the integral development of the same, with a shared mission and vision in common. For an efficient administration, effective and solidary is necessary that the Solidary Fund takes into account a management model in which could base for adequate and well-founded decision taking.