Rendimiento productivo de pollitas de la línea lohmann brown en la fase de levante (9-17 semanas) alimentadas con diferentes niveles de proteína de origen animal.
2019-02-06Registro en:
Mayorga Gamboa, Bryan Javier, (2019). Rendimiento productivo de pollitas de la línea lohmann brown en la fase de levante (9-17 semanas) alimentadas con diferentes niveles de proteína de origen animal. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Mayorga Gamboa, Bryan Javier.
The productive performance of pullets of the Lohmann Brown line were evaluated in the lifting phase (9-17 weeks) fed with different levels of protein of animal origin, the chemical composition of the experimental diets were determined with 2, 4, and 6% of Proteika, and the cost of production of each treatment were analyzed; with an experimental methodology in the Academic and Poultry Research Unit, of the Animal Science Faculty, of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, under a completely random design for which three treatments were used and a control with four repetitions, forming each experimental unit of 26 pullets giving a total of 416 birds under study for the course of 63 days. Significant differences (P˂0,05) were registered for the productive parameters, being the best pullets fed with diets elaborated with 6% Proteika (T3) as final weight 1451.41 ± 9.38 g, weight gain 722.951 ± 9.03 g, feed intake 3491, 26 ± 28.53 g, protein consumption on day 11, 24 ± 0.08 g, metabolizable energy consumption per day 0.168 ± 0.001 and the best feed conversion 4.83 ± 0.08; on the other hand, the best B/C was the control (T0) with 1,234 USD and with a profitability of 23%. It is concluded that for the productive variables, the best treatment was (T3) with 6% inclusion of Proteika in the diet. National poultry farmers are recommended to implement a 6% inclusion rate of protein of animal origin (Proteika) in the diets of pullets of the Lohmann Brown line in the lifting phase (9-17 weeks), since it is possible to significantly increase productive parameters with the obtaining fully developed birds in physiological and anatomical areas, prepared for the posture phase.