Evaluación de soluciones nutritivas con cinco dosis de calcio en el cultivo de fresa (Fragaria ananassa) cultivar albión mediante fertirriego en la parroquia San Luis cantón Riobamba
2018Registro en:
Palchisaca Doncon, M. J. (2018). Evaluación de soluciones nutritivas con cinco dosis de calcio en el cultivo de fresa (Fragaria ananassa) cultivar albión mediante fertirriego en la parroquia San Luis cantón Riobamba. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Agrónomo). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Palchisaca Doncon, María José
The following research proposes: to evaluate nutritive solutions with five doses of calcium in the strawberry farming (Fragariaananassa) to cultivate Albión through fertigation in San Luis parish, of Riobamba canton; using the randomized complete block statistical model (RCB), with six treatments and three repetitions. Some parameters were evaluated such as necrosis at the borders of new leaves in plants due to calcium deficiency (%), number of flowers per plant, number of fruits per plant, equatorial and polar diameter of the fruit. Brix degrees, counter days, fruit weight, fruit categorization (g), yield per PN and per hectare, and an economic analysis based on their Benefit Cost relation. The best achieved results in most evaluated parameters as the equatorial and polar diameter of the fruit, Brix degrees at maturity 4 and 5, days at the counter at room temperature and at 2 ° C, fruit weight, fruit categorization according to extra weight, first, yield at 172 and 179 ddt, were obtained with the application of calcium at 137.5 mg/l (T3) through the nutritive solution consisting of: N: 195, P: 90, K: 199, Ca: 50, Mg: 64, S: 40 Kg/ha respectively and the corresponding micronutrients during the crop cycle compared to the control treatment (T6), the same that was accompanied with accumulated Lr of 325 mm, and irrigation frequency every three days, presenting a water footprint of 43 l/Kg, thus obtaining an average yield of 61.2 Tm/ha year, and a benefit-cost of 2.34 for which its use is recommended.