| Tesis
Antropología culinaria del pueblo Puruhá de la parroquia Cacha Centro de la provincia de Chimborazo
2015-09-23Registro en:
Copa Manya, Esther Abigail. (2015). Antropología culinaria del pueblo Puruhá de la parroquia Cacha Centro de la provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Copa Manya, Esther Abigail
The objective of the research is to make a magazine that we spread the wealth of the gastronomic culture Puruhá Cacha parish, safeguarding the Culinary Heritage of the Ecuadorian nation. The methodology used in this research is observational and cross-sectional study as a result of working on a proposal for Cultural Dissemination by developing Culinary Heritage Record. The study population consists of 30 people known as yuyacunas, mention is given to those who are considered the wisest in the community. From the results it was established that there are important traditions in the sector, gaining 16% of respondents consider the Community Minga with traditional meals, Rutuchi 10%, 20% Carnival, 16.67% Easter, 16.67% deceased, as the festivities that characterize the region, the gastronomy in each of the dates indicated. One of the festivals with great relevance is the Pawkar Raimy, is a celebration linked to soil fertility and good harvest, the agricultural cycle celebrating the vernal equinox, a time in which the earth flourishes and thanks the Pacha Mama for your generosity. Taking as a result of this research 18 traditional recipes that allow us to capture in this gastronomic magazine. Further research is recommended aboriginal food culture not only of Chacha but all the provinces of Ecuador.