Diseño de un protocolo de manejo de medicamentos de alto riesgo para el Hospital General Docente de Riobamba.
2019-12-04Registro en:
Inca Shugulí, Inca Shugulí. (2019). Diseño de un protocolo de manejo de medicamentos de alto riesgo para el Hospital General Docente de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Inca Shugulí, Yesenia Angélica
This research main aim was to design a protocol for the management of high-risk medications at the General Teaching Hospital of Riobamba, which was presented as a qualitative type and as for the study level was considered descriptive, for which a list of high-risk medications was prepared, available in the health unit by obtaining a total of 58, which were classified according to their pharmaceutical form, concentration, and therapeutic group. The rotation was evaluated during the period April - June 2019, identifying that there is greater consumption of these drugs in Emergency, Intensive Care Unit, Surgery, and Internal Medicine. Through the application of surveys to professionals in the areas with the highest rotation, it was determined that there is health personnel who do not know about the stages of cycle’s usage for high-risk medicines. Therefore, it was proceeded to elaborate a protocol that consists of detailed information, in order to seek a correct understanding and execution by the staff, defining its scope, functions, the process that must be followed in each of the labeling stages, storage, prescription dispensing, administration and which professionals are in charge of each of these, a document that was reviewed and approved by hospital staff with expertise on the field. It was established that is of paramount importance the Protocol use for the management of high-risk medicines, due to the inconveniences that were detected in the use stages, demonstrating a great reception by the staff, with the purpose of identifying, preventing and solving Medication mistakes that may arise, to contribute in the improvement of hospital care and patient health, For this reason, its implementation and socialization is recommended.