Estudio de la superestructura de las Organizaciones de Turismo Comunitario Filiales a la Corporación para el Desarrollo del turismo comunitario de chimborazo (CORDTUCH)
2018Registro en:
Tayupanda Pagalo, M. N. (2018). Estudio de la superestructura de las Organizaciones de Turismo Comunitario Filiales a la Corporación para el Desarrollo del turismo comunitario de chimborazo (CORDTUCH). (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero en Ecoturismo). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Tayupanda Pagalo, Merci Noemi
The present research proposes to develop a study about touristic superstructure of the community tourism organizations subsidiaries to the Corporacion para el Desarrollo de Turismo Comunitario de la Provincia de Chimborazo (CORDTUCH) for which, a characterization of eleven organizations was made identifying that seven organizations correspond to the consolidating categories and four are consolidating process, in addition just six of them are operating and two are legalized (Quilla Pacari and Sumak Kawsay) and the other organizations are not delivering touristic services because there is a high dependence from CORDTUCH operator in order to channel the customers. At the same time, a comparison of the Ecuadorian legal framework was realized to legalize community tourism operations with the legal status of community organizations demonstrated there are thirty requirements that they must meet to be recognized as Community Touristic Center (CTC) being the technical report community quality awarded by Secretaria Nacional de Gestion Politica (SNGP) which is the most complicated to get due to it is required to meet each requirement established by the different instances and to overcome the legalization problems. In conclusion, 90% of the requirements are not met because the fundamental requirement revolves around the legal representative who must be legally recognized to exercise legal representation in the process of legalization.
KEY WORDS: Tourist Superstructure – Tourist Legalization – Community Touristic Center