Elaboración de licor de mamey (Mammea Americana) por el método de maceración para la aplicación en el área de mixiología, Riobamba 2013
2014-11-12Registro en:
Barba Loor, Eduardo Efraín. (2014). Elaboración de licor de mamey (Mammea Americana) por el método de maceración para la aplicación en el área de mixiología, Riobamba 2013. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Barba Loor, Eduardo Efraín
The present investigationaimed at the preparation of mamey liquor by maceration method for application in the area of mixology. Liquor mamey it developed with the combination of 60% fruit and 40% pure alcohol. The maceration method was used for a period of 6 month in a dark place, the container must be of glass because it keeps the liquid fresh and prevents the evaporation of alcohol, in the period of three months it was filtered to removed segregated impurities by the fruit, which after the estimated time the liquid was obtained which was conducted a laboratory analysis to determine if it is suitable or not for human consumption. At the end the mamey liquor was used in the combination of cocktail base. The cocktails tasting test of the mamey liquor were performed at 21 students from the cathedral of Enology and Mixology of the School of Gastronomy, Public Health Faculty of the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. As for the organoleptic characteristics 76% felt that in smell, color and texture coded cocktail C010 hat good acceptability. While the predominant flavor in the cocktail was the C110 and C125 with 57 % each, with greater acceptability. This study mamey liquor by maceration method and also it will contribute to the area of mixology was obtained. It is suggested that in developing mamey liquor should be stored in a dark place since sunlight provoke evaporation of the alcohol.