Estudio de necesidades de transporte público para el cantón Baños de Agua Santa, en el período 2020-2025
2021-09-06Registro en:
Durán Muñoz, Cristopher Alexis & Paguay Carrillo, Luis Alberto. (2021). Estudio de necesidades de transporte público para el cantón Baños de Agua Santa, en el período 2020-2025. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Durán Muñoz, Cristopher Alexis
Paguay Carrillo, Luis Alberto
The purpose of this degree work was to develop a study of the need for urban public transportation (Intracantonal) in Baños de Agua Santa canton, Province of Tungurahua. The study was carried out using the information provided by the Public CompanyJoint Transit of Tungurahua, by the public transport company "Luna Sánchez" LTDA, and by users, establishing as a basis the referential methodology of the National Transit Agency, resolution 108-DIR-2016-ANT. The information was collected through the origin-destination survey, which was applied to the calculated sample of the population of Baños de Agua Santa, taking into account that there is also a floating population of 80% specified in the Development and Land Use Plan of the canton. The information obtained allowed identifying the main points that generate and attract trips, the reason for travel, most used mode of transportation, frequency of use, days in which most trips are generated, and schedules in which they are mobilized. An interview with the authorities of Cía. "Luna Sánchez" LTDA determined their needs, the occupancy capacity of the units, the routes used to provide the service, and the frequency of service. Once the fleet sizing was carried out, the number of units needed to cover the service, routes, frequencies, and intervals were determined, which allows satisfying the unsatisfied existing demand. It was concluded that the fleet needed to cover the current public ground transportation network is 15 units, including the reserve fleet. It is recommended that a study of stops be carried out to facilitate the provision of the service in terms of modal interchanges and important points of ascent and descent of users.