Campaña publicitaria turística de la parroquia San José de Alluriquín en la provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.
2019-05Registro en:
Merino Moreta, Alberto Raúl. (2019). Campaña publicitaria turística de la parroquia San José de Alluriquín en la provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Merino Moreta, Alberto Raúl
In the present title work, the objective was to design an advertising campaign to help promote
tourism in the San José parish of Alluriquín in the province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas,
many of the people do not know the tourist attractions offered by this parish, the only attraction
being the sale of marshmallows. We carried out an investigation, observation sheets of the
existing tourist attractions and chose the most suitable ones for tourism, as well as interviews with
tour operators and even the president of the parish council, a survey of the population to determine
how much they know about certain places touristic of the parish; everything helped to determine
the type of advertising campaign to apply. The development of a knowledge advertising campaign
was determined, the brand and the advertising message were defined, then the creation of different
brands was created for each tourist site that was selected in this research because it lacked a
graphic identification. The creation of photographic compositions with the advertising message
was made, the technical script was established for the recording of the advertising videos, creation
of a tourist guide, using different tools such as photographic and video equipment in the
production, as well as software for the post production of the photographs and videos, editorial
design was applied in the creation of the tourist guide. In conclusion, an advertising campaign is
presented, which generates information material to help the tourist to recognize the existing tourist
places within the sector, giving a greater tourist value to the parish and its surroundings. It is
recommended the implementation of this advertising campaign in all areas that are established
for greater potentialization of tourism in the sector.