Estimar la ganacia de peso en novillas charoláis en la estación experimental pastaza con manejo convencional.
2019-05-14Registro en:
Mendoza Jumbo, Franklin Marcelo, (2019). Estimar la ganacia de peso en novillas charoláis en la estación experimental pastaza con manejo convencional. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Mendoza Jumbo, Franklin Marcelo.
The current work was proposed in the Pastaza Experimental Station, part of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, Animal Science Faculty, Zoology studies, a database had been developed of the bullfights Charolais breeds, in the absence of data in the Pastaza Experimental Station, previously it was not possible to evaluate the model weight increase in the heifers through conventional management, from this work the daily weight gains in grams were quantified and after 60 days the final weight was determined. The experimental results acquired were subjected to the following statistical analyzes: mean, standard deviation, student's T. During the development of present it investigation, 10 category of animal - heifer, cow, of the Charolaise breed, were used. They presented an average birth weight of 46.7 kg (44.0 kg and 50.0 kg). Under the conventional rearing system an average final weight of 578.9 kg (517.0 kg and 670.0 kg) is achieved; an average weight gain of 532.2 kg (471.0 kg and 621.0 kg). As for the zoometric measures, an average of the thoracic perimeter of 209.73 cm was obtained; height at the withers 146.54 cm; height at the ankle 151.51 cm; length of the body 179.49 cm; neck length 41.49 cm; face width 16.06 cm; face length 37.07 cm; width of the anterior hip 47.25 cm; width of the posterior hip 29.31 cm; however, there are no records from previous years to know if there is an improvement in livestock management. I recommend comparing the body measurements of this year evaluated with the productive data of future years, to evaluate the productivity and to know if there is an improvement in the conventional handling of the Pastaza experimental station. In addition, the surveyed measurements should be implemented, with pelvimetry studies, to avoid dystocia births and birds at the time of heifer birth.