Rediseño del control de intersecciones semaforizadas del cantón Guaranda - provincia de Bolívar
2018-08-16Registro en:
Montero Gavilánez, Paúl Alexis. (2018). Rediseño del control de intersecciones semaforizadas del cantón Guaranda - provincia de Bolívar. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Montero Gavilánez, Paúl Alexis
The purpose of the present graduation work is to propose a redesign for the control of traffic light intersections, helping to improve the mobility and road safety of the Guaranda canton. The research will be documentary, field and experimental, which will provide the necessary information collected from a natural context, since for the realization of this project real information is required, such as vehicle counts that will be performed on site, the geometrical conditions of the intersections, traffic conditions and the traffic light system, obtaining as a result the redesign of the control of intersections in some points of the Guaranda canton. Based on the results obtained and the Ecuadorian Technical Regulation ETR INEN 004: 2012. Part 5, as part of the proposal, the redesign of the signaling system was proposed, new cycles, parking restrictions, the implementation of another type of traffic control suitable to improve the mobility of the Guaranda canton. The recommendations in this project were of a technical and administrative nature focused on the authorities responsible for traffic in the canton of Guaranda within its competences.