Diseño de un proceso de compostaje a partir del contenido ruminal de bovinos en el Camal Municipal de Riobamba.
2018-08Registro en:
Barragán Guerrero, Jenny Karol. (2018). Diseño de un proceso de compostaje a partir del contenido ruminal de bovinos en el Camal Municipal de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo., Riobamba.
Barragán Guerrero, Jenny Karol
The design of a composting process was carried out from the bovines ruminal content in the Riobamba’s Municipal Camal in order to minimize the environmental contamination. Initially, a sampling was carried out to know the amount of ruminal content generated. the raw materials for the composting process were characterized like the ruminal content (CR) and the ESPOCH grass (C), in parameters: percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, carbon, organic matter and humidity. A system of passive composting with forced aeration in scale was build through the use of three biodigesters, in which three formulations of raw materials with weight / weight proportions were composted: biodigester 1 (CR only), biodigester 2 (2C.R.:1C) and biodigestor 3 (4C.R.:1C), furthermore according to this, the initial relation C/N was determined. At the same time the same formulations were composted in piles with manual flipping, this to determine which compost is the best. During the composting process, the piles temperature and humidity in the biodigesters were controlled twice a week, adding aeration. The pH, electrical conductivity and germination index were analyzed in the initial and final samples of each formulation. Finished the process with a physical-chemical characterization, the 6 formulations compost quality was verified according to the Mexican Environmental Standard NADF-020 -AMBT-2011 in parameters as: Final relation C/N, macronutrients NPK and organic matter. Also, ADEVA and Chi square variance statistical analysis were performed, and there are no significant differences between the two methods.