Diseño del proyecto: Revitalizando Ecos de Identidad Cultural como parte del Plan de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial de la parroquia Chiguaza, cantón Huamboya, provincia de Morona Santiago, 2011-2020
2013Registro en:
Taisha Shakai, Charles Savio. (2013). Diseño del proyecto: Revitalizando Ecos de Identidad Cultural como parte del Plan de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial de la parroquia Chiguaza, Cantón Huamboya, Provincia de Morona Santiago, 2011-2020. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Macas.
Taisha Shakai, Charles Savio
This thesis contains in the first chapter: the problem, problem statement, delimitation of the problem and objectives.
In the second chapter we have: the theoretical framework; origin and history of the shuar people, history Chiguaza parish, organizational and administrative structure of the Vestry Chiguaza fundamentally theoretical, factors affecting the loss of cultural identity.
The third chapter has the analysis and interpretation of data, methods and techniques, determination of the universe and the sample.
On the fourth chapter contains: title, justification, objectives, content of the proposal, proposals and strategies for recovering cultural identity and the proposals.
Finally, we determined the conclusions and recommendations that arrived after the investigation.