Estudio prospectivo de la Carrera de Finanzas de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo al 2040
2022-04-07Registro en:
Gunsha Lamiña, Jenny Fernanda. (2022). Estudio prospectivo de la Carrera de Finanzas de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo al 2040. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Gunsha Lamiña, Jenny Fernanda
The main objective of this research work is to carry out a prospective study of the Finance career of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo to meet the academic, technological, and scientific expectations to face the demands of society in 2040. Therefore, in the research development, a methodological approach of qualitative and quantitative character so different instruments and techniques were applied, such as surveys and the respective prospective workshops to the main actors such as students, teachers, graduates, employees, and the interview to institutional authority. All of these determine variables of impact for the career, considering the most critical aspects of higher education such as research, innovation, linkage, teaching, etc. It was carried out using different prospective tools such as empathy map and value map, which gave a result of positive aspects (joys), and negative (frustrations). Therefore, those expectations for the future, in addition to trend analysis, ruptures, and black swans, result in the application of dystopia scenarios, also allowing the development of the Abaque de Régnier with the different strategies that the career must perform in the future, through it the new services were designed. Utopia scenarios were made, and finally, the construction of the vision by applying the five established axes