Intervención terapéutica para elevar el control de la bronquitis crónica en pacientes adultos, Chambo .
2019-09-19Registro en:
Chapalbay Parreño, Irene Cecilia. (2019). Intervención terapéutica para elevar el control de la bronquitis crónica en pacientes adultos, Chambo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Chapalbay Parreño, Irene Cecilia
The objective of this research was to increase the control of the activity of Chronic Bronchitis in patients belonging to the rural communities of El Rosario, El Vergel and San Pedro de Quinto. Chronic bronchitis is a respiratory disease that appears at any age and considerably limits the quality of life of patients who suffer from it. Controlling the clinical activity of the disease is essential to minimize the complications of the disease. For this, a therapeutic intervention was developed that not only included healthcare elements, but also integrated educational actions. The Ranges with Wilcoxon signs test and the McNemar test were used to determine the influence of the therapeutic intervention applied. There was a predominance of patients with ages ranging from 40 to 59 years; (23.53%), of the female sex (58.83%); 43.14% presented associated comorbidities, 47.06% of the cases were non-therapeutic adherents and 37.25% presented inadequate therapeutic schemes. 31.37% of the patients were without control of the activity of Chronic Bronchitis during the pretest. It is concluded that the application of the therapeutic intervention produced significant changes in the increase in the control of the clinical activity of Chronic Bronchitis. Finally, it is recommended to consolidate the work of the primary care team aimed at promoting health and preventing diseases with intersectoral and inter-institutional support.