Estudio comparativo de la composición química de los aceites esenciales de Cymbopogon citratus, Cymbopogon cf. martini, Cymbopogon cf. nardus aplicado en perfumería.
2018-03Registro en:
Villacrés Delgado, Yesenia Marisol. (2018). Estudio comparativo de la composición química de los aceites esenciales de Cymbopogon citratus, Cymbopogon cf. martini, Cymbopogon cf. nardus aplicado en perfumería. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Villacrés Delgado, Yesenia Marisol
The objective of this study was comparing the chemical composition of the essential oils of Cymbopogon citratus, Cymbopogon cf. martini, Cymbopogon cf. nardus, for this purpose the essential were obtained through the steam trapping method with the corresponding quality control; various phytochemical screening tests were carried out in order to discover the secondary metabolites present in each of the plants. The identification of the chemical composition of the essential oils was carried out by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. A genotoxicity study of the three essential oils was performed through a micronucleus test, applying distilled water as a negative control, absolute EtOH positive control and six treatments using the three essential oils at different concentrations (0,2% and 0,4%) in roots of Allium cepa (onion); 7 perfume fragrances were formulated based on the three essential oils. The difference in the chemical composition of the oils was determined by identifying that their common major components are son α-citral, with a percentage of de 43, 13% followed by β-citral, with a percentage of 21, 73%, and Geraniol with 18, 91%. It is a concluded that the exposure of the meristems of the Allium cepa roots subjected to the different treatments of the essential oils does not present genotoxity but it presents another type of anomalies in the cells. For the statistical analysis the Univariate General Linear Model was used, resulting in the existence of a significant difference between the treatments applied to the meristems of the roots of the Allium cepa; out of the 7 perfume formulations the most outstanding were the formulation 2 and 5 due to its composition and benefits. It is recommended in the genotoxicity study to make more concentration dilutions of the essential oils to corroborate the non-existence of micronuclei.