Evaluación de la calidad microbiológica de quesos frescos comercializados en un mercado de la provincia del Guayas y producidos en una quesera artesanal de la provincia de Chimborazo.
2019-01Registro en:
Baque López, Evelyn Jaritza; Chugchilán Veintimilla, Katina Pamela. (2019). Evaluación de la calidad microbiológica de quesos frescos comercializados en un mercado de la provincia del Guayas y producidos en una quesera artesanal de la provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Baque López, Evelyn Jaritza
Chugchilán Veintimilla, Katina Pamela
The objective of this research work was to evaluate the microbiological quality of fresh cheeses marketed in a Guayas- Province Market, which were produced in an artisanal cheese industry of the Chimborazo Province. 72 samples of 700g fresh cheeses were evaluated, the sampling points were: the production plant, the delivery truck to the popular market located in the Milagro-Guayas Canton and the local marketing. The Chemical Physical parameters were measured (pH, acidity, a, temperature) and counts quality indicators (coliforms, Eschericia coli,Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteria) using Petrifilm plates. It was determined the potencial contamination points in the different stages and time elapsed between them, through direct observation from the process the beginning of the raw material until the final product is marketed. The count results of Staphylococcus aureus (5.07±0.06 Log10 UFC/g) in plant were greater what was found in the same stage for Enterobacterias (4.33 ±0.06 Log10 UFC/g), followed by coliforms (4.27±0.03 Log10 UFC/g) and finally E. coli (4.03 ±0.03 Log10 UFC/g), which showed increases in the consecutive stages, corroborating with the acidity results and pH due to the temperatura conditions of storage to which the cheeses are subjected throughout the productive chain as well as poor handling. In conclusion, the products evaluated in this research don´t meet the requirements of microbiological quality stipulated in the NTE INEN 1528, so it is recommended to improve the manufacturing processes in the cheese and favor refrigerated transportation to marketed places.