Diseño de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales para el GAD Municipal del Cantón Chillanes-Parroquia Urbana de Chillanes, Provincia de Bolívar.
2018-08Registro en:
Barragán Coca, Jorge Fernando. (2018). Diseño de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales para el GAD Municipal del Cantón Chillanes-Parroquia Urbana de Chillanes, Provincia de Bolívar. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Barragán Coca, Jorge Fernando
A wastewater treatment plant was designed for the GAD Municipal del Cantón Chillanes, Urbana de Chillanes parish, province of Bolívar, to obtain appropriate and pollution-free water before being discharged into the Lambran river. For this, the initial physicochemical and microbiological characterization of these waters was carried out, in order to identify the parameters that are out of the Standard based on the TULSMA Book VI Annex 1, Table 9, being identified: Oils and fats with 148 mg/L, Color 865 Pt/Co, DBO5 with 183 mg/L, COD with 383 mg/L, Total Suspended Solids with 150 mg/L, Fecal Coliforms: 27000NMP/100mL.The treatability tests were carried out using a jar test with aluminum polychloride (PAC), using 43 ppm per liter of waste water, this being the being the optimum concentration. The treatment processes used are: grids (21 units), inlet channel (v= 0.59m/s), sand trap (V= 42.98m3), grease trap (V=4m3), parshall channel (t=0.54 s), hydraulic flocculator horizontal (V= 37.46 m3), horizontal flow settler (V= 55.3m3), drying bed (V= 26.26m3/day), PAC dosage (59.44 Kg/day). The validation was carried out through the final characterization of the water treated based on the TULSMA Book VI Annex 1 Table 9, verifying that the proposed system achieved the reduction of Oils and fats: 148 to 6.5 mg/L, Color 865 to 73 Pt/Co, Turbidity: 144 to 1.94 mg/L, DBO5: 183 to 20mg/L, COD: 383 to 38 mg/L, Total Suspended Solids: 150 to 6 mg/L, Fecal Coliforms: 27000 to 100 MPN/100mL. Finally, the treated water was validated in the Water Quality Laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences, ESPOCH jointly with the Laboratory of Environmental Services of the UNACH; It is recommended that the sludge that is collected in the drying bed after being dehydrated, bury in the landfill.