Análisis y evaluación de la accesibilidad y conectividad del transporte público intracantonal - cantón Riobamba
2021-02-04Registro en:
Nabos Amaguaya, Alexandra María; Sánchez Balladares, Rosa María. (2021). Análisis y evaluación de la accesibilidad y conectividad del transporte público intracantonal - cantón Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Nabos Amaguaya, María Alexandra
Sánchez Balladares, Rosa María
The analysis and evaluation about accessibility and connectivity in the intercantonal public transportation system in Riobamba Canton, province of Chimborazo, aims to verify if interparroquial and intercantonal transportation users can access to the attractive areas of the city through the urban public transportation system. The research was based on the formulation of validation files, through a comparative analysis between the Mobility Plan in Riobamba city and secondary information sources which allowed the collection of relevant information about supply and demand of urban public transportation. The parameters analyzed from the terminals called “La Dolorosa”, “Oriental” and “Intercantonal” were: infrastructure, location and operators. As for urban public transportation: routes, schedules, coverage and operators were analyzed. Intercantonal terminals cause vehicular congestion, lack of suitable conditions to park vehicless and provide the service. Due to the current location of these terminals, users choose to stop buses where it is not allowed; and with respect to urban transport it has a coverage of 50.63%. For this reason, the relocation of intercantonal terminals and the restructuring of urban public transportation routes are proposed in order to improve accessibility and connectivity of Intercantonal transportation and other modalities such as interprovincial transportation, which permits users to access to both intercantonal and interprovincial urban transportation and satisfy their needs inside and outside the city. It is recommended to take into account the present study to optimize urban mobility.