Propuesta de implementación de facilidades de acceso para personas con discapacidad física y adultos mayores en la cabecera cantonal de Guano, provincia de Chimborazo
2017-12-05Registro en:
Picuña Pasmay, Johana Elizabeth. (2017). Propuesta de implementación de facilidades de acceso para personas con discapacidad física y adultos mayores en la cabecera cantonal de Guano, provincia de Chimborazo. (Tesis de pregrado). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Picuña Pasmay, Johana Elizabeth
The proposal to implement access facilities for people with physical disabilities and older adults in the canton of Guano, province of Chimborazo, was developed with the sole purpose of improving the mobility of these people and the population itself. The study was carried out with the information provided by this priority group that travels through the cantonal capital based on the findings of 34 people with physical disabilities, 325 older adults and also with the support of the observation cards. It was found that they have difficulties when moving, sidewalks do not provide security because there are no adequate ramps to access them, it can be seen that there are no access facilities according to the specifications of the standard. For this reason, the implementation of ramps for access to sidewalks is proposed according to the Ecuadorian Technical Standard INEN 2245: Accessibility of people to the physical environment. Buildings Fixed ramps It is recommended the implementation of this study for the entire population in the main and secondary roads where there are educational units, health center, banks, municipalities and public places.