Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la implementación de un terminal intercantonal de pasajeros en el cantón Rumiñahui, provincia de Pichincha
2020-09-25Registro en:
Chingo Aimacaña, Carlos Wilfrido. (2020). Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la implementación de un terminal intercantonal de pasajeros en el cantón Rumiñahui, provincia de Pichincha. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Chingo Aimacaña, Carlos Wilfrido
The objective of this research for the implementation of a terminal in the Rumiñahui canton, province of Pichincha, was to carry out a pre-feasibility study for the implementation of an Intercantonal passenger terminal in accordance with the minimum requirements for efficient mobility in the area. study. The study was carried out based on online surveys and current data information issued by the National Agency for Land Transport, Traffic and Road Safety, together with the support of the Municipal GAD of the Rumiñahui canton. Once the field work was completed, the respective analysis of the information was carried out, which allowed us to determine that the canton has three modes of passenger transport, such as intra-cantonal, inter-cantonal and interprovincial transport, passengers who make use of the modes mentioned above, have as their main destination the city of Quito. On the other hand, based on the information provided by transport regulatory entities such as the ANT and GADM of Rumiñahui, it was determined that intercantonal or intraprovincial transport has a demand of 248,543 passengers/day, in addition, the canton has sixteen transport operators. that provide the service inside and outside the canton, among all the operators there are 2561 frequencies per day, this information allowed us to determine that the canton requires a type 3 terminal, the same one that will be in charge of the Municipal GAD of the Rumiñahui canton, as well as the competent authorities such as the ANT and the provincial GAD of Pichincha, for which it is recommended to carry out an annual evaluation, for a control regarding the performance and operation of the terminal.