Maridajes para la Oferta Gastronómica del Restaurante Julio César del Cantón Ambato 2011
2011Registro en:
Torres Oñate, Camilo Francisco. (2011). Maridajes para la Oferta Gastronómica del Restaurante Julio César del Cantón Ambato 2011. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Torres Oñate, Camilo Francisco
This is a project about wine testing as a gastronomic offer which has been done at ¨Julio Cesar¨ Restaurant in Ambato, Ecuador. The universe in this study was 76 customers. They were asked to do a survey in which they assessed wine color, texture, taste, acceptability, and wine and food matching of four different wines (two national wines and two foreign wines). A descriptive method was used, and the results were recorded in Microsoft Excel. The wines were classified into four types, and each type yielded the following results: Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine – Malbec shows deep red 73%, fruit aroma 49%, viscous texture 76%, semi dry taste 56% and good acceptability 54%, Wine and food matching goes best with Lomo a la Piedra 71%, Copa Emperador 75%, Churrasco Criollo 71%. Merlot Red Wine show a moderate color 63%, spices aroma 32%, liquid texture 91%, semi dry taste 46%, and good acceptability 68%, Wine and food matching goes best with Grilled Chicken 75%, Pork chop with lentil or bean stew 86%, and BBQ smoke pork chop 86%. Chardonnay White Wine shows deep yellow 91%, fruit aroma 48%, viscous texture 74%, sweet taste 91%, and nice taste 91%, Wine and food matching goes best with Grilled Fish 71%, Sea Food Spaghetti 83%, and Sea and Land 71%. Sauvignon White Wine shows intense yellow greenish 51%, fruit aroma 48%, liquid texture 91%, semi dry taste 71%, and acceptability 57%, Wine food matching goes best with chef´s Salad 80%, Mix Ceviche 67%, and Carmel Flan 80%. It was concluded that wine and food matching carefully promoted and analyzed helped to obtain harmonious special dishes with strong, light and fresh wine preparations.