Repotenciación del banco de pruebas de inyección indirecta del laboratorio de Autotrónica mediante un sistema electrónico para el diagnóstico y lavado de inyectores del sistema de inyección directa (GDI)
2021-11-26Registro en:
Chadán Tintín, Erick Christopher; Coque Guanopatin, Jhonatan Efraín. (2021). Repotenciación del banco de pruebas de inyección indirecta del laboratorio de Autotrónica mediante un sistema electrónico para el diagnóstico y lavado de inyectores del sistema de inyección directa (GDI). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Chadán Tintín, Erick Christopher
Coque Guanopatin, Jhonatan Efraín
This research aimed to repower a test bench of indirect injection from the autotronics laboratory through an electronic system for the diagnosis and direct injection system (GDI) injector flushing. In this research, opening times, closing times, required voltages, and conventional machine signals like fundamental principles. Electrical elements were used such as transistors, microcontrollers, voltage regulators, optocouplers for electronics manufacturing systems. The same one is repowered to support a higher current consumption unlikely a conventional machine. Due to the low resistance of the internal coil that has the GDI type injectors and programmed to generate pulses of 0.1 to 3 milliseconds for their operation with a hall effect signal. These injectors were mounted in the conventional machine and connected to the prototype to generate its activation. The obtained results show that the prototype supports current consumptions greater than 30 amps than represents 4 GDI injectors connected in parallel. In the same way, this type of injector can perform their respective tests with short injection times from 0.1 to 3 milliseconds, which the prototype generates without burning its internal coils. It is concluded that GDI type injectors can work with a Hall effect signal, a supply of 12 volts, and its injection time no longer than four milliseconds. To test the prototype. It was programmed not to exceed 5 minutes and to avoid overheating in the system. It is recommended not to exceed 15 bars of pressure when handling a laboratory machine and do not use piezoelectric type injectors because their internal structure is fragile.