Diseño de un plan estratégico para fortalecer el sistema agroproductivo de la parroquia Dayuma, cantón Francisco de Orellana, provincia de Orellana 2017 - 2021
2018-01-25Registro en:
Verdesoto López, Rocio Karina. (2018). Diseño de un plan estratégico para fortalecer el sistema agroproductivo de la parroquia Dayuma, cantón Francisco de Orellana, provincia de Orellana 2017 - 2021. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Orellana
Verdesoto López, Rocio Karina
The design of a strategic plan to strengthen the agro productive system, in the parish of Dayuma, canton of Francisco de Orellana, province of Orellana 2017 – 2021, has as objective to fortify the economic conditions at the rural environment up to provoke a positive and a socioeconomic effect in the people´s life condition, satisfying their needs. For developing this research, citizens were surveyed and the head of Parochial GAD of Dayuma was interviewed. The result of these activities was a strategic plan to strengthen the agro productive system. Based on the strategic principles settlement, the institutional diagnosis, strategies determination, plans, programs and projects were developed in order to check and test the process during the application. Within the design, some possible strategies were set, for solving and fortifying the agro productive sector. Five strategic axis focused on the more demanded products of Dayuma, will help to strengthen the agro productive system and improve the people´s life condition. The Parochial Decentralized Autonomous Government of Dayuma should run the set strategies for improving the agricultural production, thus the productive matrix shall change positively.